Saturday, August 13, 2011

What is wrong with Rick Perry?

1.) Rick Perry's "new" apostolic church movement is more formally known as the 'New Apostolic Reformation' founded by Charles Peter Wagner (born 1930). As Mr. Wagner is still alive, and this reformation is considerably less then a century old, it is a considerably new movement.

And of course they look to bring about the rapture. Now, I am not a religious scholar. However, I am pretty sure revelations was predisposed to be occurring in an unknown time frame. Also, man can not bring it about. Man can not predict it. And, anyone saying otherwise, is a heretic.

So, perhaps it might be dangerous to have someone as "The Commander In Chief" who believes him and his can bring about the end of the world as a means to bring "The Rapture". These guys are willing to destroy us all in order to bring Jesus back.

That's scary.

2.) uhmmm... see # 1.) That shit is scary enough to preclude any other need to say what is wrong with Rick Perry.

1 comment:

  1. And then five things Rick did to Texas:

    1). Highest percentage of uninsured children in the nation.
    2). Dead last in the percentage of residents with high school diplomas.
    3). Most polluted air and water.
    4). From 2008 to 2010, Texas lost 352,500 jobs.
    5). One in three Texas workers doesn’t bring home enough pay to keep a family of four out of poverty.
