Which Mitt is it today?
On Oct. 1st, 2012, TheBlaze.com writes this about Romney's stance on abortion:
"Republican Mitt Romney opposes abortion rights, though he previously supported them. He says Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling establishing abortion rights, should be reversed, which would allow states to ban abortion. He would end federal aid to Planned Parenthood, a major provider of abortion and contraception, and has criticized mandatory coverage for contraception as a threat to religious liberty when it’s applied to employers, such as Catholic hospitals, that disagree."
Now, as of Tuesday Oct. 9th... yeah 2012. As of Tuesday Mitt Romney says... well, let's not be biased. Here it is from radio.Foxnews.com:
"Now Romney says he would keep abortion legal.
Mitt Romney said Tuesday he has no plans to push for legislation limiting abortion, a softer stance from a candidate who has said he would “get rid of” funding for Planned Parenthood and appoint Supreme Court who would overturn Roe v. Wade.
“There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda,” the Republican presidential nominee told The Des Moines Register in an interview.
So, which Mitt Romney will we see tomorrow?"
And for once I agree with FoxNews. Which Mitt Romney Will we see tomorrow?
Just last year Mitt was telling Mike Huckabee that He would "absolutely" support a constitutional amendment to ban abortions.
For the last year Romney has been promoting an across the board 20% tax cut for "ALL" Americans. And Last week on the 3rd of October Mitt said he would "NOT" cut the taxes of the wealthiest amongst us..
And it changes Again!
ReplyDeleteWhat a difference a day makes, right?
Romney insists he'll be a 'pro-life president'
By Michael Mathes (AFP) – 1 hour ago
DELAWARE, Ohio — Mitt Romney assured Wednesday he would be a "pro-life president" if he defeats President Barack Obama, reaffirming his opposition to abortion a day after suggesting he could moderate his platform.
But when asked directly if he would restrict legislation limiting abortion rights if such a bill came to him from Congress, the Republican challenger's response was less clear cut.
"I think I've said time and again that I'm a pro-life candidate and I'll be a pro-life president," Romney told reporters while campaigning in Ohio.
Obama swiftly said his White House rival was "hiding positions he's been campaigning on for a year and a half."
[end quote]