Subsidiarity without Subsidium is Heresy or Apostasy. The Ryan Budget Plan is antithetical to the moral obligation of government that is for the people.
To quote Thomas Reese: "Everybody's worried about the debt, but you can't quote the pope to say that the debt should be solved by cutting government programs that help poor people and not raising taxes."
More interestingly is an excerpt from the following article:
As the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has wisely noted in several letters to Congress, "A just framework for future budgets cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor persons." Catholic bishops recently wrote that "the House-passed budget resolution fails to meet these moral criteria." In short, your budget appears to reflect the values of your favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand, rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her call to selfishness and her antagonism toward religion are antithetical to the Gospel values of compassion and love.
I wasn't necessarily thinking in terms of the pope, but I know enough about the religions of the world to know that the poor and the infirm are to be looked out for. Where has this antithetical religion of the right come from?
They are certainly not leading with christian values. My own take on it is: This is most certainly not what any religion extolls their followers to be. So what religion are these congressmen preaching from?
And finally some clergy is actually stepping up and saying... "Hey, wait a minute. that's not right." I knew these guys were bastardizing theology but couldn't really put it into words as well as this article:
So basically Subsidiarity without Subsidium is heresy or apostasy.
Ryans' got some 'splaining to do.
In a letter from Georgetown religious scholars:
While you often appeal to Catholic teaching on “subsidiarity” as a rationale for gutting government programs, you are profoundly misreading Church teaching. Subsidiarity is not a free pass to dismantle government programs and abandon the poor to their own devices. This often misused Catholic principle cuts both ways. It calls for solutions to be enacted as close to the level of local communities as possible. But it also demands that higher levels of government provide help -- “subsidium”-- when communities and local governments face problems beyond their means to address such as economic crises, high unemployment, endemic poverty and hunger. According to Pope Benedict XVI: "Subsidiarity must remain closely linked to the principle of solidarity and vice versa.”
Greatt read thankyou